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The Most Powerful Influencer is a Micro Influencer.
Watch the Video Below to Learn More:

Do You Feel Like This?

Do You Feel Like This?

  • You think it’s useless to start your own business because nobody cares about entrepreneurs who aren’t beautiful and young. 
  • You constantly find yourself giving knowledge away for free, when deep down you know it has more value. 
  • You want to create an impact in the world, but don’t know where to start.
  • Your expertise remains hidden and under-monetized. 
  • You have done many lemme courses and mindset coaching calls, but still feel irrelevant. 
  • You have years of experience that can be applied to a coaching or consulting business, but you don’t want to take the risk in case you don’t succeed. 
  • You have a lot more to offer than what you are doing right now.
  • You want to belong to a tribe of women who are already leveraging their knowledge, wisdom and skills to have successful 7-8 figure businesses. 

If you answered YES to any of the above, let me show you another way.

  • Are you pouring your heart into your business but still feel invisible in the crowded market?

  • Do you feel overwhelmed with branding and marketing, like you’re speaking but no one’s listening?

  • Are you tired of competing on price because you’re not recognized for your true value?

  • Have you amassed a wealth of knowledge but struggle to turn it into a profitable brand?

  • Is social media draining your energy, with little to no return on your investment?

  • Do you feel like you’re always one step behind, watching others get the recognition you deserve?

  • Are you seeking a breakthrough to elevate your business and become the go-to expert in your field?

  • Do you dream of building a legacy that transcends the noise and truly impacts lives?

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If these points strike a chord with you, let’s shift gears and step into a world where your mastery is the currency of choice.


Imagine Your Life 12 Months From Now

Close your eyes for a moment and picture where you could be just one year from today. Your Personal Brand is not just dialled in; it’s singing your achievements from the digital rooftops. You wake up to an inbox with messages from clients who don’t just need what you offer—they believe in your vision and value your mastery.

12 months from now, you’ve stepped out from the shadows and into the limelight. You’re no longer chasing opportunities; they are coming to you. Your brand is a beacon, cutting through the noise, attracting the right crowd, the serious professionals who recognize and respect your expertise.

Imagine a day when your schedule isn’t dictated by the grind but driven by purposeful engagements. Your online program, your signature solution, is not just live—it’s thriving, with a growing list of clients singing your praises and spreading your reputation far and wide.

Your mastery has become a movement, your wisdom a currency that’s in high demand. You are no longer just a participant in your field; you are leading it. Speaking engagements, strategic partnerships, and passive income streams are your new normal. You’ve become the embodiment of success and fulfilment, all because you had the courage to let your Personal Brand shine authentically.

That future starts today with a decision to step into your power, to align your actions with your aspirations, and to let the ‘Authoritti Personal Branding Simplified System’ pave your path to micro influence.


The Common Pitfalls

If you’re a solopreneur, coach, or consultant hitting a wall, I see you. And I want you to know that it’s not your fault. The marketplace is noisy, but your voice deserves to be heard. The old ways of branding are like trying to fit a square peg into a round hole – it’s not you that’s the problem, it’s the system that’s outdated.

If you find yourself spinning in the hamster wheel of hustle, pouring energy into endless tasks with little return, you’re not alone. This old paradigm, fuelled by the hustle culture glorified by digital marketers, is a trap. It keeps you running on a 24-hour clock, with your brain in overdrive and your potential capped by the confines of time. But there’s a flip side to this coin, a smarter way to build wealth that doesn’t burn the midnight oil to the last drop.

The ascension to creating wealth and amplifying your influence and brand

The path out of hustle begins with a climb up the ladder to wisdom, where you leverage your mastery. Here, it’s not about doing more; it’s about impacting more. By transforming your knowledge and experience into a macro solution, like a signature online program, you unlock the door to micro and nano solutions. These cater to the diverse needs of different avatars, creating multiple revenue streams at varying price points—this is the true freedom from hustle, and it’s critical.

But mastery alone doesn’t ring the bell of success; it needs a voice, a channel to reach out and resonate. Enter amplification, the stage where your Personal Brand comes to life. The ‘Authoritti Personal Brand Simplified System’ brings you to this stage with laser-focused clarity. It’s about knowing who you are, what you offer, who you serve, and the promise you make. Your voice, the most potent tool in your arsenal, is then used strategically to build and serve your tribe, marking your mastery on an international level.

Then there’s innovation, the realm of the trailblazers like Apple and Amazon, who don’t just occupy the market—they transform it. Innovation is changing the game, setting new rules, and leading consumer behavior.

Hustle mode is a dead end, a path to exhaustion, not service. The ‘Authoritti System’ is your roadmap out of the old and into a state of being where serving becomes your default mode, powered by a well-defined, amplified, and innovative Personal Brand.

Meet Gina Riley, a Career Transformation Coach who has built a 6-figure business with a waiting list. She has become a go-to brand in the corporate landscape.

Why Listen to Me?

My name is Mary Henderson, your guide on this transformational journey. With two decades of turning knowledge into digital empires, I’m not just another strategist; I am the embodiment of a Personal Branding revolution. My approach is not just about logos and colours – it’s about awakening the soul of your brand and aligning it with the heartbeat of your audience.

Stumbling upon this page isn’t a coincidence. It’s a signal that you’re ready to scale new heights. In today’s economy, where complexity reigns, specialists like you are the treasure hunters who can unearth gems of solutions. Your mastery is not just valuable—it’s in high demand.

A strong Personal Brand is your ticket to freedom. It’s the bridge between you and the clients who are searching for exactly what you offer. By investing in your Personal Brand, you are investing in your vision, your impact, and ultimately, your legacy.

Why Listen to Me?

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Introducting Authoritti –
The Personal Branding Simplified System

Success Stories – Our Clients’ Journeys
These are not isolated cases; they’re what happens when mastery meets visibility. Your story could be the next one we celebrate here.

Hear Maryia’s Experience…

Hear Alidia’s Experience…

Hear Falguni’s Experience…

Hear Kathy’s Experience…

The Six Pillars of ‘Authoritti’

  • Soul Print Discovery: Here, we dive deep into the essence of who you are, using the unique ‘Authoritti’ software to uncover your core brand attributes.
  • Brand Signature Design: Define your visual and verbal identity. This is about creating a brand book that captures your essence and communicates it across all your communication touchpoints.
  • Audience Alignment: We take the guesswork out of who you’re speaking to by strategically identifying your ideal client avatars, ensuring your message hits home every time.

  • Mastery Messaging: Your experience and wisdom are turned into a compelling brand proposition. We’ll craft your story that resonates and builds trust.

  • Brand Amplification: Visibility is key. We’ll strategize on the right platforms for your message, create a desire based content strategy, build your sales pages, update your LinkedIn About page and implement the micro influencer system.

  • Identity Integration: Finally, we bring it all together with a cohesive brand identity that covers everything from your website to your speaker kit, all aligned and on-brand.

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What If’s?

You might be wondering how the ‘Authoritti Personal Branding Simplified System’ stands apart. Unlike other programs that focus on surface-level solutions, we delve deep. We don’t just tell you what to do; we walk you through how to do it with precision and care.

I’m Not Tech-Savvy. Will I Be Able to Use This System?

The ‘Authoritti Personal Branding Simplified System’ is a self-led online program designed with user-friendliness in mind. You don’t need to be a tech wizard to navigate our platform or implement the strategies. Our detailed video lessons and supporting frameworks and Canva templates guide you every step of the way. Plus, with our daily micro-coaching in the WhatsApp group, you’re never alone.

I’ve Tried Other Branding Programs Before. How Is This Different?

Unlike other programs that offer generic advice, ‘Authoritti’ is a deeply personalized system that starts with your ‘Soul Print’. We don’t just scratch the surface; we dig deep into what makes you unique. This isn’t about following the crowd; it’s about leading with your authentic self.

I Don’t Have a Big Budget for Marketing. Can I Still Build My Brand?

Absolutely. ‘Authoritti’ is about leveraging your intrinsic value and translating it into a brand presence that doesn’t rely on hefty marketing budgets. We focus on strategic, targeted actions that maximize your reach without breaking the bank.

How Much Time Will I Need to Dedicate to This Program?

We understand that time is a precious commodity. That’s why ‘Authoritti’ is designed to provide maximum impact with a manageable investment of time. Think quality, not quantity. You set the pace, and through our system, even the busiest of schedules can accommodate the path to a powerful Personal Brand.

Will This Really Make a Difference in My Business?

Your Personal Brand is the cornerstone of your business. By clarifying and amplifying it, you not only attract the right clients but also command the respect and prices you deserve. Our system has turned solopreneurs into sought-after experts, and it’s ready to do the same for you.

What If I’m Not Sure About Becoming a Micro Influencer Yet?

Micro influence is not about fame, it’s about bringing your expertise and genius to the people and businesses you know you can serve and transform. There are so many moving parts to the micro influencer framework, the key is to ensure your natural state of being matches how you want to show up on social media and what medium you use that brings the best out in you. Remember, being a micro influencer is about targeting your 10%, not your 90%.

Is This Program Right for You?

This program is for you if you’re a self led solopreneur, industry expert, coach, consultant, author or speaker ready to step into your power and make an impact. If you’re looking for a cookie-cutter approach, this isn’t for you. We’re here for the visionaries, the change-makers, the ones who dare to be different.

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Hear Deepa’s Experience…She has a $500K per annum coaching business
servicing C Suites in Fortune 500 companies.

The Unmatched Value of the
Authoritti Personal Branding Simplified System

What’s in it For You?

Expected Outcomes and Results

This is what you can expect…

Upon completing the ‘Authoritti Personal Branding Simplified System,’ you will emerge with not only a deeper understanding of your unique brand but also with tangible outcomes that set the stage for your continued success. Here’s what you can anticipate:

A Distinct Personal Brand: You’ll have a crystal-clear personal brand that reflects your unique ‘Soul Print,’ enabling you to stand out in your market.

Comprehensive Brand Strategy: Your own custom brand book, complete with your visual identity and messaging strategy, ready to be deployed across all channels.

Targeted Audience Connection: Through our Buying Cycle Matrix, you’ll know precisely who your audience is and how to communicate with them, increasing engagement and sales.

Enhanced Online Presence: With your new brand strategy, your online presence will be cohesive and compelling, attracting and retaining a loyal customer base.

A Clear, Succinct Brand Proposition: You will be able to articulate what you do, who you serve, and what you promise, applied across multiple communication touchpoints, ensuring a consistent and powerful brand message.

Content Strategy: Our proprietary desire-based marketing strategy will provide you with a content framework that will set you apart from your competition. It will ensure you attract the 10% who are ready to buy from you so you can build your true tribe, who will continue to buy from you and advocate for you.

Increased Market Impact: With your brand clearly articulated, you will make a larger impact in your market, influencing change and commanding respect. You will be seen not only as a thought leader but a micro influencer in your industry.

Improved Business Growth: You can expect to see a significant growth in your business as you attract higher-value clients and opportunities. Plus, expect to see an increase in podcast and keynote invitations.

Sustainable Business Model: Move away from the exhausting hustle and into a wisdom-led business model that allows for growth without burnout.

A Transformed Mindset: Lastly, you will adopt a new mindset that focuses on strategic action and innovation, positioning you as a trailblazer in your industry.


These outcomes are not just hypothetical—they are based on the real results achieved by past participants of the ‘Authoritti Personal Branding Simplified System.’ By joining today, you are setting yourself on a path to not just meet but exceed your personal and professional goals.

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Next Step…

Mary Henderson - Hero Program Accelerator to Make Money While You Sleep

Step into Your Spotlight

The decision is now in your hands. Are you ready to step into the spotlight? To invest in your future and turn your mastery into your legacy? If the answer is ‘Yes’, then join us on this life-changing journey. Enrol in the ‘Authoritti Personal Branding Simplified System’ today and let’s build the tomorrow you deserve. Your micro influence is waiting to be actualised.

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Yes, once your payment is processed, you will receive an email with your login details, granting you immediate access to Authoritti.

You will have access to the system for a full 12 month period, during which you will receive all updates, ensuring your learning experience is always current.

Absolutely, each lesson is accompanied by a detailed video tutorial designed to explain the ‘why’, the ‘what’, and the ‘how’ of each topic, making it feel as if we are sitting right beside you.

This program is ideal for motivated coaches, consultants, industry experts and service-based business owners who are serious about establishing themselves as leading authorities and building a genuine following on social media.

The system is not suited for individuals looking for quick, effortless success. It demands dedication and consistent effort to apply the knowledge and achieve significant results.

Our program stands out because it focuses on strategic, results-oriented frameworks rather than outdated digital marketing tactics, helping you define your audience, perfect your content strategy, and master messaging to achieve concrete outcomes.

The initial investment covers full access to the online program. However, all third-party services, if chosen, are not included.

Definitely. Our approach focuses on the quality of engagements rather than the quantity of followers, teaching you to cultivate a following that truly resonates with your brand.

No specific qualifications are required—just your professional expertise and commitment. Our system is designed to enhance and leverage your inherent authority.

Yes, absolutely. We have set up a private WhatsApp Group where you can ask questions and get support from others. This is a place where I offer micro coaching on a daily basis and share updates or information that you need to know.

Absolutely 100% NO! These practices are against all social media terms and conditions and can lead to restrictions or permanent account closures. This program is committed to 100% organic and ethical strategies.

Refunds are not available for this program. Upon payment, you gain immediate and full access to our comprehensive frameworks and systems, which represent the culmination of nearly 24 years of dedicated development and expertise. We encourage you to carefully consider if this program aligns with your needs and financial situation before enrolling. For those opting for the split payment option, please note that failing to complete your second payment will result in immediate termination of your access to the online program and removal from the WhatsApp support group.

Authoritti Service Disclaimer

Authoritti Service Disclaimer

This is a serious and very detailed coaching program. The expectation is that you will complete the course material within a 12 month period in order to further your skills in positioning yourself as an authority in your area of specialisation. You will have access to the online program for 12 months. If you are hesitating to purchase, please don’t buy. This program is based on 40,000+ hours of experience carefully curated into a program. Once you have made your purchase, you get access to all the interactive tools, modules, frameworks, workbooks and training videos.  It is not for people  who aren’t ready to take it seriously and take action. Please DO NOT buy it if you can’t afford it or if you don’t have mastery ready for brand amplification. Refunds are not givenDo NOT buy it if you think it will turn you into a millionaire overnight. I built my coaching business over a 5 year period, not overnight.