Partner Program2023-11-18T08:46:07+11:00



Welcome to my exclusive Partner Program. I am a Personal Branding Specialist. I Help Coaches, Consultants & Business Owners Commercialize Their Personal Brand and Systemize and Digitalize Their Knowledge Into a Profitable & Scalable Online Coaching Business. I have developed a program called Lights.Cameras.Action that is a results and outcome driven coaching program to help get a business owner from idea to monetization in 24 weeks.  This coaching program is based on my 39,000 hours of experience in building 6 and 7 figure businesses and based on a systems approach.

Mary Henderson


Anyone who serves Business Owners, Coaches, Consultants or Senior Executives [who are at crossroads] and want to systemize, digitalize and commercialize their knowledge, wisdom and skills into becoming an authority in their niche or industry and building a scalable coaching or consulting business.



I believe the most sustainable way to build a business is through strong partnerships and values. When people partner with me, they are not only rewarded financially but I provide free training, webinars and resources so my partners shine in the eyes of their clients and at the same time help solve pain points and show a clear and new pathway forward.

My partners are my priority. 


Quite simply, I have undeniable evidence that what I do produces real results. That’s because everything I do and teach has a systems approach. Simply put, systems work.

Go to my LinkedIn profile. A community of 79,000 high-value professionals doesn’t happen by accident.

Nor do the 10+ qualified, motivated leads per day that my Personal Brand generates on average.

They happen because I’ve hand-picked my circle of influence, translated my expertise into monetisable offers, leveraged digital tools to amplify my presence, and strategically turned my knowledge into a commercial empire.

As I mentioned earlier, it all comes down to having and implementing the right system. There is simply no room for error, because I hold a clear, strategic vision and am deliberate about my actions.

Think of a car – no matter how lustrous its appearance, it can’t run but as a system of thousands of moving parts.

A business is very similar.

Getting clear on your end goal, allowing for input, transforming input into output, and maintaining a feedback loop – this is how successful systems are built.

As you can see in the Case Studies [below], I’ve done the same for my clients. I help them build systems that are scalable, profitable, and sustainable, so that they can continue to be there for their clients (and enjoying the prosperity of no longer being a “best kept secret”).

Now, I’d love to put my expertise to work for your clients too.

I’ve Separated My Coaching Program:
Lights-Camera-ACTION Into Four
Steps to Show You What I Mean:

Step 1: Personal Branding

A Personal Brand communicates a person’s authority – compelling the right people to pay attention.

Part 2: Systemisation

Defined, vetted systems let people share their brilliance at scale, to support the impact they truly deserve to create.

Part 3: Digitalisation

Digital transformation opens people to virtually limitless opportunities to connect and serve, while giving back time.

Part 4: Commercialisation

Strategic commercialisation let’s people prosper while doing what they know they’re meant to do.


My goal is to make it as simple as possible for you and welcome and serve your prospects. I do what I’m known best for – I give highly memorable and useful content with quality training to offer maximum value. I want every person that crosses my path to have an ecstatic brand experience. Most people that attend my free masterclasses and download my workbooks say that they write copious amounts of notes and find my content more valuable than paid content. My promise to you is that I will ONLY provide your leads, the highest quality content and brand experience.


AND…one more thing. I DO NOT sell scarcity and send copious amounts of emails to your clients. In fact, my mantra is “never sell, only provide results”.


how to become an authority in your nice or industry

After the Assessment is Completed,  A Free Comprehensive Masterclass Is Provided That Explains The Moving Parts


The 3-day masterclass covers 3 models on 3 specific pain points that many business owners experience when trying to generate leads on the Linkedin platform. This is suited for people who want to become an authority in their area of specialisation but have no idea where or how to start. 


apply for a free 45 minute strategy call with me and let's dive deeper

You have the option to send your leads to apply for a FREE 45-minute strategy call where I will dive deeper and conduct a FREE gap analysis and show them specifically where their gaps are in their current reality. This is very powerful for people who are ready to take radical action.  

How Will I Support You?

I am passionate about collaboration therefore my goal is to empower you and give you value that you can share with your clients, colleagues and friends. Apart from providing you FREE tools and collateral in the form of social media content and email sequences that you can send to prospects, I also offer free masterclasses exclusive to your audience. I have found that this is the most effective way to start a new conversation and share my knowledge, wisdom and skills to your tribe so they see you as a trusted advisor.

What You Will Earn?

Nothing makes me happier than rewarding my partners for high-quality leads that convert to paying clients. Incentives are paid in dollars [USD$]. You simply choose whether you want to be rewarded per sale, or if you wish to work towards a bigger reward at a higher tier. The choice is always yours and you can cash-in at any time.

referral partner incentive

This Is What My Clients Say About Me…

Hear Clarissa’s Experience…

Hear Kathy’s Experience…

Hear Annie’s Experience…

Hear Helen’s Experience…

I highly recommend Mary to anyone who’s looking to commercialise their Personal Brand and transform their life or going through a transformation. She’s an amazing lady and she’s got an amazing program. Go for it.

Finbar OHanlon, Innovation Disruptor, Transformational Strategist, Coach Facilitator

One of the greatest differentiators of this coaching program is the structure and the ability to take an idea through an entire process from start to end and be hand held by Mary the entire way.

Matt Murray, ICT Expert, Startup Investor

Mary is an inspirational and dynamic individual that is a leader in coaching, mentoring and motivating to achieve the best with individuals and teams. Mary has mastered communicating with hi level executives and has motivated and assisted many on their personal journey. Mary is striving for and achieving excellence at every level.

Craig Lapsley, Specialist In Strategic Leadership, Crisis & Change Management

Mary caught my attention in May 2019 via one of her highly engaging LinkedIn posts. That already showcases how she has mastered the skill of posting highly engaging content while understanding the subtle Intricacies needed to shape a message that has… “immediate positive impact”.

Mary provides professional insight into the world of branding but does so through the lens of “finding your authenticity and core message” to take to the world.  It is a reflection of her quality & to her generosity that I am able to list so many reasons why I would recommend Mary.

Tammy Hamawi, Neuroscience Brain-Based Coach
Violet Jammal, Executive Leadership Coach | Personal Brand Strategist Mary Henderson Homepage

I was looking for personalised assistance to build my business and personal brand to bring together my experience, strengths and talents while measuring against my own values and goals. Mary was quick to grasp my ideas and introduced me to her online program which is constantly being updated as new concepts and ideas are introduced in to the entrepreneurial space.

The program is fully supported by ongoing real time mentoring and coaching. Mary’s knowledge, flexibility and understanding has given me the clarity to move forward on my own ideas with confidence. It is so refreshing to communicate with an incredibly supportive professional that meets the needs of my business. Mary has been outstanding to work with, from our first contact and continuing.

Violet Jammal, Executive Leadership Coach
Scott Sloan, Career Coach | Personal Brand Strategist Mary Henderson Homepage

Mary is, in short, AMAZING! She is an incredible coach and has a wealth of never ending knowledge.

Following her unique process of unpacking your life, I learned so much about myself and who I am at my core.

In doing this, I was able to understand what makes me unique, what my limiting beliefs were and how to clear all the limiting beliefs that had held me back for years. My life has never been the same since.

After gaining the invaluable knowledge of myself, Mary guided me through the entire process of starting a business, to the first sale and beyond.

She is a magician, being able to create a successful unique business from nothing.

Hand on heart I can say it was only possible because I made the investment and chose to work with Mary.

Scott Sloan, Career Coach
Iris Bar, Narrative Counselor | Personal Brand Strategist Mary Henderson Homepage

Working with Mary changed everything for me. She provided a clear process to build my own business. She held the space for me while I was working with my grain and she always supported me in bringing my own ideas. I call her my ideas doohla. She helped me to rebirth myself and bring my ideas to practise.

Mary has lot’s of knowledge and she is very, very committed. I felt so held during this process with her. She is very knoweldgeable in building businesses and has a strong intuition in understanding my core and how I can bring it into the world. I cannot believe that we created my business in such a short time. Mary has a very clear framework that has a beginning and an end.

Iris Bar, Narrative Counsellor
Annie White, Career Transition & Growth Specialist | Personal Brand Strategist Mary Henderson Homepage

I have been working with Mary now for almost a year and it has been an amazing experience. Mary has patiently guided and worked with me to help me bring my personal brand to life. The online course designed by Mary has also been extremely beneficial as it provides so much information and is such a valuable resource in helping you along your personal branding journey. The group calls are also a great part of the program as you get to share your experiences with other business people that are all working towards the same goal. I highly recommend Mary. She is a wealth of knowledge and inspiration. She truely cares and invests so much of herself in her clients.

Annie White, Career Transition & Growth Specialist


What Is Your Selection Criteria For Your Partner Program?2020-09-07T06:05:02+10:00

I welcome all applications via the Partner Program platform. You MUST complete an application form first. All applications are monitored and selected based on a strict criterion to ensure our values are aligned and we are creating long-term win-win relationships and serving the right people.

What Is The Mary Henderson Referral Partner Program?2022-09-30T08:42:09+10:00

The Mary Henderson Partner Program is a group of professional partners who help get the word out about the Lights.Cameras.Action Coaching Program, and together we change lives.

This program is different from an affiliate program because I take a strong stand on integrity, transparency, and work extremely hard to protect your brand and mine.

My Partners understand that in today’s competitive landscape, a digital business is a key strategy for creating a new revenue model that is profitable and rewarding.

My partners promote my services because they know that I have a results and outcome-driven system that can digitalise knowledge, wisdom and skills into profit and a brand. Their driver is to promote the Lights.Cameras.Action Coaching Program to their network via blogs, email, social media and telephone conversations. In return, they receive a commission on all sales they refer to Mary Henderson Coaching for the Lights.Cameras.Action Coaching Program.

As a Lights.Cameras.Action ambassador, all Partners agree to offer support to anyone (prospects/leads) who uses their unique link to purchase the program.

I care deeply about ‘our’ collective client base and want to make sure that each and every client knows they’re not just a sale or a commission cheque, they’re a valued client by ‘us’ and the partner that referred them.

All Partners must divulge that they are a Partner of Mary Henderson Coaching and might receive financial compensation when they write about and recommend Lights.Cameras.Action. Coaching Program.

My job is to help you craft marketing collateral that is value-driven not commission driven to show your network the value that you bring to them.

What Are You Looking For In A Referral Partner?2022-09-30T08:42:09+10:00

First and foremost, integrity and trust. I have built my entire reputation on these two values and I look for this in all my partners.

The Partner Program is perfect for businesses that work or network with other business owners who are looking to establish a new revenue stream in their business or start a

[digital] coaching/consulting business.
How Many Referral Partners Do You Have?2022-09-30T08:42:09+10:00

The number is growing rapidly and there will be a time soon where I will have to place a hold on all new applications.  If you believe you and your clients can benefit from turning their knowledge into a digital business and become an authority in their niche or industry, please apply so you can help your tribe see a new way of creating profit.

You Can Apply Here.

How Do You Pay Your Partner Once A Lead Pays In Full?2022-09-30T08:42:09+10:00

Payment is made in dollars

[USD$]. We have four levels of sales targets. You get paid once you have reached your level and payment is made within 72 hours [after client payment is received and cleared] directly into your nominated bank account or PayPal account. For Australian partners, GST is included in the total amount paid.
Do You Offer Additional Training To Your Referral Partners?2022-09-30T08:42:09+10:00

Absolutely. In fact, I encourage this. I have a content-rich library of workbooks, masterclasses and training available on demand. Every partner has access to me and our partnership is based beyond commission checks. It is critical that I establish a deep understanding of my partners’ business and their network so I can present training collateral such as webinars and online masterclasses tailored for different audiences with different pain points. My passion is to educate my partners so they understand why and how their network can benefit from my solution.

Do I Need To Have a Large List Or Thousands of Followers On Social Media?2020-10-10T05:49:14+11:00

NO!  Each Partner has a different business model and therefore their marketing strategy is not a one size fits all.  The criteria to become a Partner is NOT based on your list size or social media following when reviewing your application.

More importantly, my ultimate goal is to be aligned with my partners and for your leads to be aligned with my coaching program that ultimately can change their life and business.


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